Attention to every client
Users can choose from a variety of delivery options, compare prices and delivery terms.
Convenience and speed
You can order cargo transportation online at any time of the day, without the need to visit the office, as well as track the movement of cargo in real time.
Saving time and money
Users can get better shipping rates due to competition between carriers and avoid having to search for a carrier themselves.
The completeness of filling out the application guarantees a quick calculation of the rate. After receiving the application, we will contact you.
Ознакомьтесь с Пользовательским соглашением и Политикой конфиденциальности, где подробно описаны ваши права
в отношении персональных данных, и мы понятно объясняем, как и зачем используем данные о Вас.
Спасибо! Ваша заявка принята.
Что-то пошло не так при отправке формы.
Own and partner warehouses in China
Personal manager for the delivery of your goods
Flexibility in the field of pricing, the presence of a developed system of tariffs with a long-term validity period
Delivery to any region of the Russian Federation, to any customs of the client
A wide range of services in warehouse consolidation
Features of transportation by rail:
The portfolio of Partners is represented by leading operators and owners of rolling stock.
Organization of rail transportation of finished products in international and transit traffic.
Carload, group and route shipments.
Sending goods in mixed and direct traffic, delivery of goods by road to the railway station from the door of the customer and loading into the rolling stock.
Smooth docking of transport at transshipment points in cases of transportation from the EU countries to the Russian Federation and the CIS.
Monitoring the implementation of all stages of the order, including the stages of loading and unloading operations.
Warehouse handling and cargo consolidation in China.

Additional operations can be carried out with cargo:
packaging and repackaging of goods;
labeling of goods for which this procedure is mandatory in accordance with the law;
sorting and palletizing cargo;
measuring and photographing cargo items;
accounting of warehouse movement of goods;
storage of goods in a warehouse of the highest category A.
We carry out customs clearance of goods in all customs departments:

We carry out customs clearance of goods in the customs departments of Zabaikalsk.
Registration of the necessary permits and certification documentation.
Delivery of goods released for free circulation to the warehouse of the Client.